Here is a brief description of the volunteer positions needed during each swim meet. To sign up for any of these positions, go to the Volunteer Sign-ups tab.
Mother Hen/Father Rooster (1 of each per half)
- PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY: Hand out event cards to swimmers as they come to you
- Cards will be given to you by a coach or parent rep
- Cards are color-coded for girls and boys
- Cards will be in numeric order (by event)
- Give cards to each swimmer one at a time, only for their next event
Timer (6 per half at away meets; 8 per half at home meets)
- PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY: Record times of swimmers in your lanes. Each event is determined based on times, so this position is critical to correctly scoring each meet.
- You will be provided a stopwatch for timing
- Start the stopwatch when you see the starter light flash (do not start at the sound)
- Check your watch right after the start of the race to make sure that it is working
- Raise your hand immediately if there is a problem with your watch (if you missed the start) to switch watches with the back-up timer
- Stop the stopwatch when the swimmer in your lane first touches the wall (with any body part)
- Verify that the name of the swimmer matches the name on the card that you are given
- One of the timers (usually the home timer) will record BOTH times on the card
Back-up timer (need 1 per half)
- PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY: Provide a backup stopwatch to timers in the event of a timing issue
- Start your stopwatch at the beginning of each race
- Watch for timers to raise their hands if they have a problem with the race
- Trade your watch with the timer whose watch didn’t start at the beginning of the race
Seeding (need 2 per half)
- PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY: Organize swimmers into proper groups prior to the start of each event
- Organize swimmers into chairs by event and heat starting at the back of the seating area
- Swimmers move forward through the seats after each race/heat
- Make changes to cards to combine heats when necessary. Inform referee/announcer of all changes.
- Guide swimmers to the starting blocks
Runner (need 2 per half)
- PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY: Gather cards from timers and deliver to scorers' table
- Collect cards from each timer after all times have been recorded for the race
- Keep cards in lane order
- Keep each heat separate
- Deliver cards to the scorers’ table after each race
- Collect disqualification (DQ) slips from officials and deliver to scorers’ table
- For the 25s, work in a circle pattern with the other runner. One runner collects cards for the swimmers and re-distributes them at the other end of the pool to the timers. The second runner collects cards at the end of the race from the timers, takes them to the scorers’ table, then goes back to the swimmer end of the pool to start the process over (see diagram)
Scoring (need 2 per half)
- PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY: Organize cards from runners and average the times on each card
- Average times on cards to the hundredths (calculators available)
- Sort races by heat
- Attach DQ slips
- Read times to computer operator if needed
- Re-sort cards by team to be given to the coaches at the end of the meet
Concessions (need 4 per shift - home meets only)
- PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY: Assist with the sale of food items at the concession stand
- Volunteers work for 1 hr. shifts
- Table set-up, pricing, receiving donations, organizing food done before the meet
- Always needs to be a separation of labor from money collection
- Communicate needs with the grill (outside fence)
- Gloves need to be worn when handling food
- Re-stock drinks in coolers when needed
- Clean-up