Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekly Update: June 23-27

A quick update on what's on tap for the Welch Sharks week of June 23 - June 27.

  1. Morning practices as scheduled
  2. TUE - Swimmer sign-ups (last chance - MUST see your coach) for Thursday's Penn's Valley meet
  3. TUE - Swimmer sign-ups begin (black/gold board) for Tuesday 7/01 HOME meet vs. SPRA
  4. WED - Tie Dye day after each practice session
  5. WED - NO NIGHT PRACTICE due to Parks & Rec's Sports Night at Welch
  6. THU - DOUGHNUT Breakfast after practice session (1 per swim team member)
  7. THU - AWAY meet at Penns Valley (arrive by 5:30 PM)
  8. FRI - If needed, Tie-Dye tentative rain make-up day.
  9. LOOKING AHEAD - Next HOME meet TUE - July 1 vs. SPRA
  10. LOOKING AHEAD - No Practice on Independence Day, July 4.
  11. LOOKING AHEAD - Don't forget our CPSL's Night With The Spikes orders are due July 9.
Keep monitoring this blog for any last minute changes.  Thanks and...