Monday, July 27, 2015

Banquet Follow-Up and a few things to keep in mind

Rained out again…but still had a great time

All though we got rained out in the end, the parents and coaches want to thank everyone who came out for the end of the season banquet. The food everyone brought was very delicious and the slide show was great to watch pre downpour (thanks Dave and Marion Ulmer). 

A few things to be aware of this week.

Those of you who were unable to attend or had to leave early. All awards have been placed in your family folders. Please check the folders at practice this week. If you know of neighbors or friends that are gone for the summer please check with them to see if you can pick them up for them. We’d like all the swimmers to have all awards before the 2016 season if possible. 

Also a friendly reminder that Park Forest will be practicing with us, so let’s show up (on time) and work hard to show them how great of a team we are. 

***Parents this also mean we need to show Park Forest and the other teams how great we are by presenting good numbers in volunteering for CHAMPS. I know it gets old hearing this, but CHAMPS is an all-league event that requires parents from all teams coming together to get the meet done. Let’s get our Welch Spirit going and have an awesome (non-rainy) end of the season.***

See you all Tuesday and Thursday. Let’s go SHARKS!!!