Sunday, July 26, 2015

Welch Banquet is still a GO!

We are still a GO for tonight's Banquet.  The Weather report has some isolated showers and some instability in and around the area.

Welch Parents, please don't forget to sign up for CHAMPS volunteers.  We need to fill more Welch spots for this league Championship.

CHAMPS (11 & Older) is TUE, 7/28 at SPRA.
Welch Parents who wish to volunteer for meet positions go to the CHAMPS-Bigs link below:

*2015 CHAMPS Bigs (11 & Up) TUE 7/28 at SPRA - Parent meet volunteer sign-up

CHAMPS (10 & Under) is THU, 7/30 at the Penns Valley - Millheim Pool.
Welch Parents who wish to volunteer for meet positions go to the CHAMPS-Littles link below.

*2015 CHAMPS Littles (10 & Under) THU 7/30 at Penns Valley - Parent meet volunteer sign-up

Go Welch Sharks!