Parent Expectations

Welch Swim Team Parent/Guardian Expectations for 2017
Parents play a vital role in youth sports. They not only attend and support the performances and efforts of all children and youths who play sports, they also provide the volunteer workforce that carries out essential tasks in support of youth sports programs.

The 2017 Parent Representatives and Coaches have agreed that the following are expectations we have for our Welch families:
  1. Children 10 & under must be supervised by someone age 16+ throughout the duration of all swim meets. 
  2. Your swimmer(s) must arrive at practices and swim meets early enough to be ready to get into the water at the specified start time.
  3. Swimmers need to be picked up in a timely manner after all practices. Coaches have other commitments after practices and cannot be responsible to stay late. 
  4. You are responsible for making sure you, or a party responsible for your swimmer(s), checks the family folders and the team whiteboard on a daily basis.
  5. Make sure your swimmer(s) is signed up by the deadline for weekly swim meets. (Coaches will not accommodate last-minute additions on the day of the meet.)
  6. Your swimmer(s) can request which events they would like to swim at meets, but the final selection of events and the lineup is the Coaches’ decision.
  7. If your child has signed up for a swim meet and can no longer make it, please notify the Head Coach or Parent Rep in person or via email ( or by no later than noon on the day of the meet. 
  8. Support the program by volunteering to assist the team in some way. 
  9. If you volunteer to work a meet and cannot make the pre-meet meeting, please send someone in your place to let the volunteer coordinator know that you will be there for the meet.
  10. Respect the coaches’ time – especially when they are at the pool and working with children. We understand you may have questions, but please either speak with a parent rep first or use the coaches’ email address to contact them.
  11. Our team emphasizes Good Sportsmanship with the swimmers. Please understand and display appropriate meet behaviors (e.g., watch; make positive remarks; don’t berate players, officials, or coaches).
  12. Requested concession donations are required by Monday, June 19th.

*Please complete and sign the “Contact Information Sheet" indicating that that you have read and agree to follow the 2017 Welch Swim Team Parent/Guardian Expectations.

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