Wednesday, July 30, 2014

THE Welch Sharks Swim Team - The final countdown to season end.

Final Practices, Awards, and general housecleaning:
  1. We will have Ages 10 & Under regular morning practice through THU (July 31).
  2. The FINAL FRIDAY FUNDAY (Aug 1) is for ALL AGES OF SHARKS:-8:00 AM for Ages 11 & Up
    -9:00 AM for ages 10 & Under
    Again all are invited & encouraged to attend FRIDAY (Aug 1) FUNDAY for the last hurrah of the Sharks 2014 Summer Swim League Season.  We will provide snacks. :-D
  3. Sharks who did not receive their Welch Team banquet awards please come to the remaining Welch practice before the close of the season (FRI Aug 1) to receive your awards.  Team availability will be very limited after this week and will be at the Team's convenience.  Swimmer awards will not be carried over to next season.
  4. Ages 11 & Up TUE night Champs swimmers please either stop by THU's (8:00 AM to 9:45 AM) 10 & Under practice, THU CHAMPS Meet at Park Forest, or 2014 FINAL FRIDAY FUNDAY to receive all your earned CHAMPS medals & ribbons from the Team's coaches and staff.
  5. CHAMPIONSHIPS for Ages 10 & Under is THU, July 31 at Park Forest PoolWelch warm-up times are 5:15 PM to 5:35 PM.  Give yourself ample time to check in with coaches upon arrival.  Parking areas include the pool lot, and both school lots at the top of the hill.
  6. CHAMPIONSHIPS 10 & Under Welch Parent Meet Volunteer positions are still available.  Please use our online sign up page to volunteer for the last meet of the season.  Get out the weeds and background grass and get close to the action of your swimmers' meet.  There are a number of 2nd half positions yet to fill.
  7. Like last season, THE Welch Sharks Swim Team will donate any unopened regular (non-snack) foods from our Team's concession supply to The State College Food Bank.  Remaining soft drinks will be donated to the Alpha Fire Company.
  8. Any current Welch Parent who might be interested to assist with the Team's 2015 operations, please send an email to me at the Team Parent Rep email address and place in your subject line:
    SUBJECT:  2015 WELCH Season
    If possible, please identify any particular team areas that you would be interested to serve or coordinate.  The Team Parent Contact email address is: